Wetenschappelijke publicaties

New publication: Supporter or Rival?
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance published a new study from the Toezicht met Gezag project.
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New publication: How do regulatory agencies get their reputation, according to their employees?
In their June edition, the journal Regulation and Governance published a new study from the Toezicht met Gezag project. The study presents findings from research with 205 employees of 8 Dutch independent regulatory agencies.
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Nieuwe wetenschappelijke publicatie over publiek vertrouwen in toezicht
Recent is het artikel “Regulators as guardians of trust? The contingent and modest positive effect of targeted transparency on citizen trust in regulated sectors” gepubliceerd in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART).
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Artikel Klijn et al. (2020) – Blaming the bureaucrat: does perceived blame risk influence inspectors’ enforcement style?
Is er een relatie tussen de handhavingsstijl van inspecteurs en hun inschatting of ze te maken kunnen krijgen met verwijten (naming and shaming, in het engels: blame)? Als je luistert naar inspecteurs en de inspectiewereld zou je zeggen van wel.
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Dissertation defence of Lauren Fahy
Why did some financial regulators crack down on cryptocurrencies, while others were more welcoming? Why has the UK’s financial regulator had so much success in attracting fintech entrepreneurs to join their sandbox, while others struggle? What reputation do financial regulators have with startups, and why does that reputation matter for startup compliance and collaboration?
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